Our mission is to make island hopping as simple as possible.

Our platform streamlines private charter flight requests, by serving you bids from vetted pilots for you to select and pay for your trip. We also provide you with last-minute seats on recurring flights or dead leg flights posted by charter flight companies and pilots, perfect for spontaneous adventuring.

Step 1

Picking Your Departure Location and Time

Similar to any flight search, but because charter flights are so flexible, we allow you the option to select your departure time in the morning (sunrise) or afternoon (sunset). Receive departure times from pilots and select the best flight for your trip.

Step 2

Select Your Aircraft Type

Select the best aircraft for your trip type, or select no preference if you want to receive bids from different types. If you require a water landing or pick up -- select a seaplane and use geo-location or GPS to get picked up!

Step 3

Add Your Passengers & Pets

Add information about yourself, passengers and pets to your flight including full names, approximate weight, number of bags with expected weight. This helps our partner pilots to ensure they balance the plane correctly and provide you with the best rate.

* Aligned with our sustainability commitment, a minimum of 2-3 passengers per flight is required, except in emergencies. *

Step 4

Recieve Bids From Pilots

Your request will be sent to our network of pilots, who will bid on your flight for you to pick. Once selected, you will have 15 minutes to pay via credit card before the request is cancelled. Once payment is complete, your flight will now be added to your 'Upcoming Files' awaiting smart-checkin.